Monday 18 March 2013


Save to Invest in order to earn more. Nowadays, people are getting wiser with their money. It's either they save it or invest it. These two words are somehow similar, you will still get your money in the end, but saving is just keeping your money and you can have it anytime while investing is also saving your money through the purchase of assets, and letting it grow overtime. Though the latter will take sometime to dispose, but we are talking about the PROFITS from these assets.Here's the geez, save for a while, little by little, until you will have some amount to invest.

One very good portfolio to invest on is the real estate in the Philippines. Investment in property somehow will have a high chance of long term appreciation. Definitely, you will be very happy with your property gain. Long term appreciation is good but another easy money investment is the rental which you earn from your investments in a house or  condominium unit.

This does not mean that we should just invest in a property anywhere. I believe that a property's rate of appreciation depends with the kind of developer and the quality of project you have. These are the considerations that we should keep in mind.  :)

Oohhh. I will be posting soon about the developer that I love in Iloilo Philippines. I am sure you will like it.

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